Let’s Get Productive

Would you like to start being more productive?  Want to stop wasting precious time and move your projects to completion?  This article will focus on how to be more productive from this point forward.

The key to becoming more productive with your time is to concentrate your efforts on the task at hand. So how do you begin to concentrate your efforts? The key is to eliminate distractions.

Distractions come from two sources. The first source is outside things, such as phone calls, emails, interruptions from other people and so on. Pick a time when you feel at your peak, and sequester yourself for a period of time each day to give yourself a real boost in productivity.  Develop your own methods to “hide” from the outside world for a period of time each day, and you will see your output grow.

The second source of distraction comes from within.  Unfortunately, this is the hardest source of distractions to control.  It is hard to shut yourself off from yourself. The key culprit for us is multitasking.  Many studies have been done on this that show multitasking reduces productivity instead of increasing it.  Our minds can only hold one thought at a time, and switching tasks causes us to lose focus and momentum and forces our minds to play “catch-up” over and over again.  To become more productive, you must master the art of focusing on one thing at a time and give it your best effort and attention until it is done.  If boredom sets in while you are working on your task, give yourself a SHORT break, and remind yourself of what the ultimate objective is for what you are working on and what the payoff is to you.  

You need to make sure the task you pick to concentrate on is in fact your highest priority item.  Many of us fall into the trap of staying busy vs. staying productive.  One task may clear mountains of paperwork off your desk, or you might be better served by moving just one piece of high-priority/high-payback paper.  Use the 80/20 rule to help find the true “gems” in your inbox.  The 80/20 rule says that 80% of the gains you receive come from 20% of your efforts.  Find out what that 20% of high payoff projects are, and make sure you concentrate on accomplishing them first.

And, of course, don’t forget the basics of time management.  Say no to as many projects as you can to help streamline your workload.  Try to “cherry pick” projects you know in advance that hold high payback potential and try to pass on lower priority projects.  Also, delegate as much lower payback activity as possible.  Calculate the value of your time and try to delegate low-value activities, even if you have to pay someone.  It is money well spent.  

Increased productivity is as close as your next thought.  Remember, everything counts. Every action you take, as well as those actions you don’t take, can help you move towards your goal of increased productivity. Constantly remind yourself of your need to be more productive and discipline yourself to do the right thing.  Don’t beat yourself if you have a setback, but be certain to reward yourself in someway, for each action that moves your productivity up a notch.

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